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What is Tooth Decay and its Causes?

Posted on 10/10/2022 by Evan
What is Tooth Decay and its Causes?When food particles are left on the surfaces of teeth, they cause tooth decay or cavities. These food particles which include, bread, cereals, fruits, cakes, milk, and even candy. This leads to bacteria forming a substance called plaque. Brushing and flossing frequently removes plaque before it erodes tooth enamel. Eroded tooth enamel is what leads to tooth decay. Below are the causes of tooth decay.

Oral Hygiene

Brushing or flossing will remove plaque that causes tooth decay. Plaque, when left on the surfaces of teeth, it attacks enamel hence causing tooth decay. To keep tooth decay at Abay, patients are advised to perform these procedures frequently. Also taking plenty of water after every meal cleans your mouth.

Diet Choices

Sugary foods and sticky foods are the kind of diets that causes of tooth decay. sticky foods are difficult to remove and therefore sit on the teeth for longer time leading to tooth decay. It is advised to floss or brush your mouth after consuming these types of foods.

Tooth location

Always teeth which are found at the back of mouth are frequently attacked by tooth decay. This is because it is hard to reach them well during brushing. Also, molars have ridges on their surfaces where food particles stick. When food particles stick there, they are often left out during brushing hence building to plaque. Dentists may recommend dental sealants to protect molars from tooth decay.

Stomach Acid

Chronic heartburn and frequent vomiting are cases which cause tooth decay after stomach acid comes to contact with teeth. When stomach acid reaches the surface of your teeth the enamel is eroded leading to cavities. Other causes of tooth decay may include, dry mouth, putting off dental checkups, untreated medical disorders, and bacteria growing in the mouth due to consuming a lot of sugar.

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