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Procedures that straighten teeth

Posted on 1/10/2022 by Evan
Procedures that straighten teethIf you have crooked teeth, then teeth alignment is a procedure you should think of. The alignment helps in the rectification of misaligned jaws and stray teeth. The straightening surgery will improve your smile. Our dentist will take you through the best ways to straighten your teeth.


Braces contain brackets, wires, and brands, the three work together to shift the teeth from wrong to right position. The metal brackets are bonded to teeth and have elastic bands. The metal is strong and durable when you are aligning teeth. The braces will help in achieving strong, straight, and aligned teeth.


The veneers are commonly used as cosmetic dentistry procedures since they do not rectify severe tooth misalignment. The veneers help in rectifying chipped or crooked teeth and missing gaps between the teeth. The shape, color, and size of the teeth can improve by having veneers. The dentist will place a prosthetic on the front of the tooth to restore its original appearance.


Invisalign is a modern procedure that ensures that the teeth are aligned. It can be a restorative or cosmetic dentistry procedure. Invisalign is a treatment option for those who have misaligned teeth, such as an underbite, crossbite, or overbite. Transparent or clear trays are used in the procedure, which gradually aligns teeth into the right form and size. Because the trays are detachable, oral hygiene can be maintained by brushing and flossing teeth without the stress of brackets and wires.

Our dentists will determine if you are a candidate for braces, veneers, or Invisalign. If the dentist recommends either of the treatment options, they will work towards making you have aligned teeth. Visit us immediately if you hurt after having this treatment.
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Madison, WI 53719



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Friday: 7 am - 2 pm


502 Nelson Court,
DeForest, WI 53532



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Madison Family Dental Associates, 5709 Odana Rd., Madison, WI 53719 / 608-274-5970 / / 1/31/2025 / Associated Words: dentist Madison WI /